(Something in) Life is beautiful

Mark Allen Klenk
5 min readMar 5, 2022

If you want to skip to the end, where I tell people experiencing war that they should stop to smell the flowers, you can do that. It should be somewhere by bullet point three. Otherwise, let me explain that I live and preach that life is beautiful. Without exception? Yes… well, I hope none of us are naive enough to think that life is only black or white. There is much color and hues of brightness in between. So I would not see life as only beautiful or ugly, or only wonderful or horrible. It is a fine potpourri that helps make life beautiful in many ways.

To be honest, during times of peace there are bad things happening. During war there are good things happening. When we feel the heavy darkness and hopelessness of war, we may only feel the panic, the paralyzing fear, the angst of loss and the need to survive. The grainy tired, yet vibrating energy that pushes us forward. For those of us, who never lived in a war zone, we could not claim to know all of the emotions and thoughts that plague someone, who has experienced this. Yet, most of us have had times, we were sure, we would never get out of. The pain and hopelessness of this moment drowns us in desperation.

Life is beautiful. This fact never changes, but the amount of joy we receive is limited to our situation and perception. Allow me to explain why and how we need to experience joys in life.

Purpose-driven Life

Viktor Frankl a world-famous psychologist survived a WWII concentration camp. He developed the concept of a meaning-centered life, before he was sent to Auschwitz. Afterwards, it became the fundamental part of logotherapy. Our personal purpose in live, even in suffering, fills our being. This in turn, gives us a sense of joy. Even people living ‘the perfect life’ can feel empty and meaningless. On the other side, in states of emergency many people find a purpose and are filled with new strength. This brings joy. With joy we see beauty. It is the upward spiral.

In my last article The Flood of Need and the Artist’s Feeling of Helplessness I scratched this topic. It is life-bearing.

Fight the Downward Spiral

Despite common belief, you cannot fight fire with fire. Not emotionally. In the point of anger, anger and bitterness will only burn you out. Anger is a great source of energy! I used to personally love it, but it is like an energy drink. Once the flash of energy is gone, you bottom out even more. On the other hand, there is a righteous anger. This is also emotional, says that something is unjust and takes clear steps to fight against it. This is like training and eating healthy. Keep it well-balanced and it will have positive effects on your life.

Another example of saying no to the downward spiral, is music. When I am down, I love to feed that baby some depressing music. Nothing better than music to help confirm that life sucks. Or, that life is beautiful. Like jumping into a swimming pool, it may feel awkward the first couple of seconds, but if you put on some happier music, when you feel down, things will look up quite quickly.

‘Feed a cold, starve a fever’– if something robs your energy like a black hole, then it is a fever. Feed yourself with good things that give you energy, joy and hope. This is the stairway up and out.

Strength vs. Selfishness

Here comes the part, where I tell people experiencing war to stop and smell flowers. Why? Because, a truth is always a truth: life is beautiful. Allow me to say that I know people who have lived through a war. I even know people being bombed this very minute, as I am writing this. What can I offer them as they write me text messages from a basement or bunker? I say, that there is hope and somewhere is beauty. Let it refuel you. Even if it is just one single flower growing out of the earth. Stop one second to enjoy it. Or let the sun warm your face a minute with your eyes closed. Tell some jokes or talk to a friend. Take a few minutes to sketch or to read. Why? Because, it will give you new strength and take away some darkness. You especially need that now.

The key reaction in many people even in a non-war-life is to feel guilt. Why should I take time out for myself, when bad things are happening? We tend to want to punish ourselves to justify that we are carrying enough weight of this world. We want to show ourselves and them (the nebulous whoever we think they are) that we too are suffering. Too often, we are fighting for a cause by exhausting ourselves. What is the product of this? Usually nothing, because nobody is satisfied, and we are exhausted from trying.

Ironically, if we do something that brings joy, we feel selfish. Let me say this clearly: If you really want to fight for a good cause, then you need energy, strength and a clear mind. Otherwise you will become worthless and burn out. If that your goal? No? Then breathe, eat, drink water and find some beauty. Lay down false guilt! A person who has more, has more to give.

Side note: if this is you, because you are in an unhealthy relationship (partner, kids, self, parents, friends…) then you should get some therapy. Once you overcome this codependency, you will find so much more beauty and joy in life. Also important to note, is that there are depressions and mental illnesses that need doctors. Just like by cancer or a toothache, please go to them. Together with their help, you can start discovering some beauty again.

My special Side Note to Artists

Artists and passionate people always get a side note from me in my articles. These points mentioned above are how you will survive!

The act of creation is bound to our emotions. This in turn, births a work that impacts people. Exactly that is why we need to be more careful. We artists feel the darkness and also the joys much extremer. Learn to protect your soul and flourish at the same time. Up, up the spiral!

See, your key purpose in a meaning-centered life is probably to create beauty and express truth. Most artists get energy by speaking out through the arts. When I overcome tiredness and start writing, I usually bubble over with good vibes afterwards (like now!). Singers and musicians feed themselves and the audience. Painters get lost in flow, totally surfer-like, dude. And dancers connect body with soul. This is all beauty. If you are empty, what can you give? What do you have from anything, if you are empty?


When we feel down, hopeless, helpless, drained, burnt, hurt, distraught, disillusioned, fearful or even overwhelmed with life, then go find beauty. It is not the cure-all, but it is the start of the pathway leading you out. It is also what refreshes us and gives us a push of new energy. Like a mini paradigm shift that turns us away from the negativity and gives us a sense of good, which is what we need each day.



Mark Allen Klenk

USA/Austria, international author and founder of the NPO “Words & Deeds” using arts as a tool to help others. www.markklenk.com